Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Your Nose is longer than a telephone wire...

Yup, I did say that to my brothers and sisters when I was  kid..I said it alot.  But last week in sports news, I could have gone horse chanting that to some Pinocchio look a-likes:) A couple of little fellas had their rear-ends lit up pretty darn good:)  read on... 

I am not sure I can say WHAT IN THE CAT HAIR?  enough times in today's blog.

Lance Armstrong and Mante Teo have been media un-darlings lately because of their propensity for falsehoods....

Admittedly, while the famous cyclist Armstrong has been lying like a dog for years and has left hurricane-like debris in his wake, Teo's story seems to be more one where he used embellishment and got himself in too deep. My father in law would have said "roll up your pant legs, its gettin DEEP in here"...

 Both Liars 

Both stacked them up taller than the Tower of Babel

Both backstroking like they are in the Olympics 

If you don't know the full extent of both stories, just open up any Yahoo or ESPN  Sports pages on the internet and you will be shaking your head in incredulous wonder....

You can't make this stuff up...or can you?

For us what in the cat hair folks, 

a chance to reiterate what we tell our kids from toddlerhood on....



1.If you tell one lie, you will probably have to tell 100 more to support your stupidity. (I refer to our two sports stars)

2.You WILL  be caught in your lie, maybe not today but someday, you'll pay the piper.  (again, my two fellas Armstrong and Teo)

3.If you always tell the truth, you won't have to remember what you said.  Mark Twain told us this years ago, and it is great advice as we get older and can't remember anything anyhow:)

4.Don't embellish or exaggerate your life- you are fascinating enough without the lies- at least to somebody....

5.If you do find yourself caught in a falsehood, make it right as soon as possible, for your own integrity, and for the people you harmed in your lie.

6.Yes cheating on your taxes and speeding are forms of lying....still better off not to do it.  I can attest to that with the $230 I left at the Union county traffic court a few months ago:(

"A good lie will have traveled half way around the world while the truth is putting on her boots."

(again, my friend Mark Twain) If you think you need to lie not to hurt someone's feelings, DON'T SAY ANYTHING, don't open your mouth and prove your ignorance, better to stay silent and keep them guessing. (that guy Twain was pretty smart... and told the truth...alot)

8.Scripture tells us the truth will set us free.  (Jn 8:32)  

That is the truth, not a lie.

9.Sometimes I wonder about my Jesus and what He thinks of all the cheating and lying going on in the world today.

 I believe His grief is great.



Well... if YOU always tell the truth...  that is at least one person.

It's a Start.

1 comment:

  1. As I said, if you haven't met the chick after 3 years, she probably isn't your girlfriend.
