Sunday, January 1, 2012

new year, new blog!

OK time to face the music fellow baby boomers:  were are getting old. And because more than half of us born between 1946-1964 are women, there is a whole lot of flashing going on- menopause  with a capitol M. 

 You may be pre, mid, or  post   (this has nothing to do with the biblical rapture)– but nothing  about menopause is a piece of cake.    

Yes I am staring a blog about this topic.  No- it is not going to be about the drugs or hormones you can take to get thru it (although I am in favor of all those things)

I plan to simply discuss what it is like to be a 50 or 60 something woman.  Newsflash: menopause is a huge part of this.  I will blog about menopause, aging, womanhood, my faith, or anything else that feels a-ok.  Please come with me on this journey:  comment- scream- yell -cry -laugh or whisper .  Yup I have all of those inklings in a 3 second span of time.  We will discuss not just surviving the aging process- but thriving- and giving back. According to Erik Erikson’s developmental aging theory- giving back is exactly what we should be doing right now.   So c’mon you women in MY BOAT…lets  talk …and just a little FYI for you 20- 30-40 something women-IF YOU READ MY BLOG- you may understand your mom a little better- and…… your futureJ 

MENOPAUSE the Musical
When I was in my late 40’s, I met my four sisters in NYC for a fun weekend. We went to a couple of Broadway plays including “Menopause the Musical”.  And while it was cute and fun to see, I remember thinking: “what an exaggeration, menopause is not that bad” .  A couple of the characters were sweating profusely with moisture dripping down to their chins.  At that point in time, while I think I was starting menopause,   my hot flashes were not that severe. I kept thinking- “sure girls- you are really good at singing these 60’s- 70’s songs,  but c’mon  ya’ll need a medal for the menopause faking!”
Now, in my late 50’s- I’m here to say: HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! This disease is akin to a biblical plague!   I want to find those women actors in the play that night and apologize profusely.  Maybe someday I will.

 I don’t need a scientist to tell me why we are having global warming.  How many menopausal baby boomer women do you think are flashing at the same time? Probably enough to set fire to the Pacific rim “Ring of Fire”  three times over again.  I think we’re pretty lucky we have any glaciers left at all. The North and South Pole might be safe for awhile, but there are more of us boomers heading into menopause daily.  The poles may turn into a huge heated swimming pool soon.

My mother in law (God rest her soul) Used to say “What in the cat hair?”  It was kind of like saying “what in the world” or maybe,  “what in the sam hill”  I’m not sure where she got it from and I really don’t care.  I just like it.  So I say it. whenever I am amazed, or have to scratch my head, or marvel.  Sometimes when I pray.  Lately I have been saying to my God….ummmm Lord, about this menopause  thing?  What in the CATHAIR?”


  1. Ok, so this looks like fun, Denise Marie - so I'm in! Let me tell you about menopause...even though I'm 2 years younger than you, I went through it about 10 years ago and DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!!! What do you think of that??? It was the year my dad and father-in-law died within 5 weeks of each other. For the next year or so I went through some major emotional stuff - depression (which I never thought was real..just an excuse to whine about stuff) loss of appetite, then ravenous appetite, major hot flashes...but thought it all had to do with the extreme sadness of losing those two wonderful men. It wasn't until about 18 months later that I had a "scare" at the wonderful age of 45 with a 16 year old and twin 13 year olds...yep, thought I was preggers, and guess what? I was POST menopausal!!! Now that's a "What in the cathair" moment! Seems being on the pill had fooled my body into thinking I still had a period (sort of), but then my body figured it out and just stopped - well after I forgot to take my pills for about 4 days!
    So, I'm here to tell you 10 years after the fact that the hot flashes don't stop. I definitely think you're on to something with the global warming theory! I'm still working on how to turn them on and off at when I'm FREEZING in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings I'd give just about anything for a good ol' hot flash to run up my back!

  2. thx susan- yup it seems we all have our own special "flavor" for doing the big "Meno" kind of like snowflakes- no two are the same! thx for posting!

  3. So very much to look forward to! I read it out loud to Matt and we both got a kick out of it. Keep up the joyful tidings from the land of hot flashes. I will be sure to tell Glen Beck about your global warming theory.

  4. I definitely think you are on to something with Hot Flashes being the cause of Global may exist after all! I have been put into menopause, taken out of menopause and then forced back in again...I sweat like a banshee and then am immediately "colder than a well diggers arse"....I have 7 kinds of Deo for my B.O....Dove is my brand of choice.....look forward to more musings! xoxoxo

  5. I'm in too..into the blog that is. Thanks D! Love the Global Warming theory.

    I got through meno chemically...of course..and I don't mean by substance abuse, although I conudered it. wine only!

    As many if you know, when I got married to Mr T, I needed help with flashes and the " rest!" Ha! it's working famously and no more period and no flashes! Love pharmaceuticals!

    Exercise is my biggest ally, though!

    Good friends, laughter and that order... Are the true remedy for menop.

    Julie T

  6. Thanks Julie and Corina! We all need all the help we can get!

  7. Thank you for letting me know about this. Although I am a grandmother, I am not really a baby boomer, seeings that I am only 46... BUT I don't sleep, (hence this posting at 3:30am) I have had maybe two hot flashes, and in desperate need of drugs for moods, I feel that if I read this I will know what to expect...HAH I love you Denise and miss you! WhatintheCathAir is great!!

  8. Thanks, Denise. We might as well laugh; it sure beats crying over . . . whatever! Since there's no reliable toadmap for this journey, it may help to share our "what the cat hair?" adventures.

    Peace out!

  9. Thanks karen- just trying my hand at writing- i have lots of stuff swimming in my head- probably soon you will see an entry about a fab adventure with your sis:)We have had many!
