Humor is a funny thing. Of course we should never laugh AT people, but laughing with them is another matter. Sometimes we all need to lighten up, and hoot and howl about something funny. Research shows that people that laugh out loud a lot are healthier and live longer than those who are sullen, sour folks. Some things are just silly funny and really have no point except to laugh.
When Anna and Ruth were in youth group years ago, their youth pastor who was- and still is brilliant, started showing clips of Homestar Runner’s “Strong Bad” a way silly website developed around 2001 by a couple of guys with a fun sense of humor. Using stick drawings, it did and still does poke a little fun at teens and the stuff they go through - and helps them to laugh at themselves. My favorite spin off of this website is “Teen Girl’s Squad” I still laugh out loud viewing it to this day. It is sooo random. Have a look if you have never seen it- you will be hooked:)
The Sieges family sense of humor is robust and a little warped. That’s what I like about it. We like to re-tell funny things that have happened in the fam history. Like the time Anna stomped up the stairs in junior high while saying to her mom “bite me”. (that was out of character for her and she got in BIG trouble) Or the time Ruth got a roll of toilet paper from the downstairs bathroom and ran outside to throw it to the upstairs bathroom window where Anna was beseeching ANYONE vehemently to get her some TP. Ru made the shot inside the window after about 8 tries:) Most of all we love to tell funny stories about our beloved Bud- who is a hilarious person in his own right. Needless to say, he was an amazing kid to raise. Now he is 18 and a fine young Christian man, but some of the shenanigans in getting there have been awesome. The time he got kicked off the bus for burping on girls heads was stellar. The Chicken Story, however, will go down in the history of “Sieges Stuff”
Tim went to Kenya for a month when bud was about 8-9 years old to teach Kenyan Pastors counseling. While he was there Bud was taking care of our young -kinda teen age hens. One day I went out to check on him. Becky, the feisty bossy chicken was incapacitated.
Me: Bud, why is this chicken over here?
Bud: Oh, she is just tired and resting.
Me: She looks pretty bedraggled
Bud: Mom she is fine she is just tired
Me: Are you sure son? Becky looks ill. Why does she have her own food and water over here?
Bud: Uhhhh
Me: Why are there popsicle sticks and scotch tape around her leg?
Bud: Ummmm well -I kinda stepped on her leg….
After a little more interrogation I finally surmised Evan had stepped on her leg, broken it and then splinted it. Hmmm… resourceful, but when his dad got home from Kenya- he got rung up pretty good for SO MANY things having to do with this story. Meanwhile, Becky amazingly got better and grew up. She actually turned out to be a rooster… and was renamed “Al”. Al did fine and overcame his gender confusion, Bud learned some valuable lessons having to do with lying, covering up, and a possible chicken EMT career:)
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Evan at 8 years old and his beloved chickens- Becky is the big one next to his foot:) |
OK- I do realize some things are not funny. There is no humor in abuse, or war, or the anguish of a loved one passing. In his role as director of counseling for an international mission organization, my husband deals with some pretty hard things, many having to do with missionaries in crisis. Even so, on Friday nights he loves to watch WIPEOUT on TV. He laughs and laughs at that silly show. Now he has all of us hooked on it. What in the cat hair?
Sometimes I wonder if God has a sense of humor? What is funny to Him? Does he ever scratch His head and say “what in the cat hair?” If He is watching closely the happenings in the Sieges household, I know He has to grin a little.
Scripture also gives us a few interestingly ironic moments-
In the book of ACTS Chapter 19 we get a detailed account of a riot in Ephesus. It was CRAZY there. Weird things were happening. Vss 13-16 tell us of the seven sons of Sceva who were going around pretending to drive out evil spirits in “the name of Jesus who Paul preaches” One spirit said to them, “Yes we know Jesus, and we have heard of Paul- but WHO ARE YOU?” I can picture theses seven not so bright guys- in the end they ran out of the house naked. A little funny:)
Consider that famous passage (1 Kings 18:27) where Elijah is on Mount Carmel taunting the prophets of Baal – asking them where their god was? He is asking them if their god might be “busy”, or on vacation? In some translations “busy” is rendered “going potty” Now that is just FUNNY, I don’t care who you are! (A little borrowing from Larry the cable guy) Imagine Hebrew scholars puzzling over this one:)
Life is serious. We should take it seriously. But funny things do happen. What about menopause and hot flashes? Seriously, what is more hilarious than an older woman having to strip down a little not to expire of heat stroke?
I think my One and Only, Omnipotent, Almighty God has a fabulous sense of humor. What about you? When is the last time you laughed until you cried? Just do it. Today.
of course God has a wicked sense of humor, he gave us all husbands, didn't he?
ReplyDeleteHA shelly! so true so true:)
ReplyDeleteWe are made in His image, so if He doesn't have a sense a humor, I don't know what we think is so funny. ;) Sometimes when I read the gospels, I wish they had put in all the places where Jesus did "sigh" or "eyeroll" or "laugh out loud" at the denseness of the disciples. He HAS to have a sense of humor to put up with us.
ReplyDeleteOh the tales I could tell from the Patterson household! From my hubs being called "A Miserable Failure" and catching his OWN leg on fire to raising a cute little Indian girl who, when shown some new fabulous thing in kindergarten, promptly said, "what the h**l is that?" to the teacher. AWESOME. Thank you for humor Lord. Thank you for reminding us D!
ReplyDeleteHahaha. I adore every single Sieges story I have ever heard! Ha. Especially the embarrassing ones pertaining to my love, Ev.
ReplyDeleteWhen was the last time I laughed until I cried? Yesterday... with your son- he tends to have that affect on me... honestly laughing together is one of my absolute favorite things!
I'm so glad that God gave us the wonderful gift of laughter!
Great post Mama Sieges, as always.
He Reigns,
Denise, most of the funny stories I've shared with people over the last nearly 30 years have had some connection to someone in the Sieges family! You guys really should have your own reality TV show! Hahaha! You've provided our family MUCH comic relief! Thanks for that and may the giggles continue for many years to come!
ReplyDeleteHA nancy- pretty soon I am going to tell the one about me nursing anna in the wrong car:)
ReplyDeletethx KY- you are always such an encouragement!
Yes, the pattersons are almost as crazy as the siegs!!