Hollywood can be so funny.
Some of the movies they give us can be so complicated, sometimes starting
in the middle going back, or backwards from the end or mixed up vignettes that
we have to figure out what the actual order of it is. Tim and I watched the movie "Inception" while reading the synopsis online
at the same time, otherwise we would have never gotten the plot.
(we are not stupid people, I have a Master’s
degree and my sweetie has a PhD)
I am highly interested in the new movie coming out this Friday
called “Cloud Atlas” which
also has a little bit complicated story line.
The synopsis for it on Yahoo reads:
"Cloud Atlas' explores how the actions and consequences of
individual lives impact one another throughout the past, the present
and the future. Action, mystery and romance weave dramatically through the
story as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero and a single act of
kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution in the distant
It seems the folks in the movie use the clouds as an atlas
for their lives, past, present and future. ( no I phone , gps, or tom-tom) Tom Hanks,
Hallie Berry, Hugh Grant - what could be better?
It is interesting to me however, how Hollywood ( and the original writer of the book) borrow profusely
from Scripture, when they feel like it, and usually don’t give credit to anyone
but themselves:)
They figure they have a fresh and original
idea, when in reality, there is nothing new under the sun. The
story line of Cloud Atlas seems to be closely related to the scripture verse:
2 Corinthians 5:10
“For we must all appear before the bema (judgement) seat of
Christ, that each one may receive what is due him, for the things done while in
the body, whether good or bad.”
Talk about “actions and consequences impacting ourselves
and others”?
Cloud Atlas is probably
an entertaining take on keeping a diligent eye on what you do on this earth,
good and bad, and how it affects you and others. (I think there is some reference to Hitler)
For myself, I prefer my “atlas” to be God’s Holy Word.
It is the measuring stick on how to live my life daily.
Sometimes I measure
up, sometimes I don’t.
Interestingly, another movie entitled BEMA that came out
awhile back is probably a better, and more compelling take on the consequences of 2 Cor 5:10.

As I get older….
I am thinking more about the end of my life
and living in eternity with my Savior. I
don’t want to freak any of ya’ll out, but actually I am looking forward to it. ..
Many things in this life spur me on to try to finish well, to
keep running the race set before me with
tenacity, serving my Jesus the
absolute best way I am able.
Sadly, I have talked with
some older folks who feel they have “arrived”
They have done all they really need to do in their Christian
life, and want to “coast” to the finish line. No more running the race for them. They are“good enough”. No more teaching, disciplining, or serving.
This way of thinking is dangerous in so many ways.
They don’t really get
2 Cor 5:10.
According to Scripture, even in Heaven there
will be consequences and rewards…for what you do your ENTIRE life.
But that is a blog for another day.
So I will probably see Cloud
Atlas when it comes out on dvd, like I usually do. But I am not expecting anything epic or life
THAT comes between
the pages of Genesis and Revelation.
In the meantime,
I am living my life,
running my race,
the best of my ability.
Looking forward to that time when I do stand before the
Bema seat, and give an account for all I
have done while on this earth.
What about you?