Wednesday, July 11, 2012


When I get “elderly” if I become GRUMPY… please just shoot me.  Truly, I prefer a bullet in the head to being a seventy something sourpuss. 

On Thursdays at the local grocery store they give the senior citizen discount.  My son DREADS Thursdays at work simply because crotchety, grumpy folks abound, AND if their coupon does not scan: Grumpy times 100.  What in the cat hair?


When I was a kid, my grandpa was the sweetest and nicest old man you ever met, while my grandma was pretty grumpy. Some of us in our 50’s and 60’s are helping to care for aging parents and it is not an easy job. My mom who is almost 84 is a character for sure. She CAN be a sweetie, but sometimes she is a pistol!  That is when her kids have to remind her to be cheerful:)

MARY C  behaving herself and being happy:)

In all honesty, when you are getting older, it is not so easy to be pleasant. Aches and pains abound, life is sometimes hard.  And don’t get me started on what might happen to the bowels….YIKES 

As we baby boomers come “of age” into the retirees generation, there are becoming an abundance of golden years services,  and I for one am going to make a concerted effort  to be  THANKFUL  for all of it.   NOT the grumpy senior at the grocery store, or the doctor’s office, or the gas station.  We have to remember there are a lot of us, and if we all turn into crabby old folks, the planet might explode- then what?

The earth exploding with too much baby boomer grumpiness!

If we can’t develop and keep a sense of humor 


about growing old then we might as well give up and let the planet explode around us.

My hunny and I are planning to become really cute and funny old folks and we have a great start. Don’t cha think?

American Gothic?

Tim Conway (when he was younger) played an excellent “the old guy’ in many sketches on the Carol Burnett show. He was awesome. Have a look here:

Now he IS an old guyJ  And still pretty funny on sponge Bob Square pants as “Barnacle Boy”


Here are the things I have told my children to remind me (even when I can’t remember) are OFF LIMITS for me:

1.    Berating the “younger generation” for their “newfangled,”  “hard to understand” ways.  NO I don’t want a smart phone, but it is A-OK if they have one.


2.    Discussing my bowels- movement or consistency- with ANYONE other than a health care professional…  WAY  Cat Hair!

3.    Describing in detail any “procedure” I might have had. What?  NO!

4.    Complaining about my kids or grandkids not visiting- I will take what I can get, and be grateful for it.

5.    Ranting and raving about anything already mentioned in this blog- so unattractive!

What about all you baby boomers out there?  Will you purpose in your heart NOT to become grumpy old men and women? Or when you hit 65 or 70 will you (start or continue) to moan and groan about everything including sliced bread.

Awhile back I was listening to someone I know (who is not that elderly yet).  In one conversation (almost one breath) she complained about the government, the economy, her kids, her grandkids, the grocery store, other drivers, her physical ailments, her husband, and the state of the world.

Multiple times in a 15 minute conversation. 

What in the Cat hair? Needless to say I DID NOT want to be her BFF.   I almost laughed in her face.  It would have been WAY funny if not so tragic.

Scripture tells us being a big fat grump is a sin.


 Being a grump and being old  is even MORE unbecoming.

Finally and most importantly, the best reason for not being a grumpy, complaining, cantankerous old fart is a big one:

It has to do with the day you stand before YOUR creator and Judge:

James 5:9 “Don’t grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged:  BEHOLD, THE JUDGE IS STANDING AT THE DOOR!”

As we age, we are moving closer to that door every day.

What cha gonna do?


  1. Thank you for the much-needed reminder! :) You are funny, and I appreciate your humor.

  2. Well, I am officially a grump. I have done 3 of the 5 things on the list. WAHHHHHH! Forgive me Jesus! Your writing has reminded me to practice what I preach everyday, "Choose JOY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
